Automatic Irrigation Systems
It is not necessary to have automatic irrigation systems in our conditions, but who would not love to have green, fresh lawn during the entire growing season. The lack of water is a problem mainly during the summer. An automatic irrigation system is the solution to this issue. There is no need to water the lawn by hand any more. It saves your time and water as well. Automatic irrigation systems water according to the weather conditions even when you are away.
The irrigation can be set to run during the night so that you are not restricted in your use of the garden space. The sprays are pop-up sprays so they are not in the way during maintenance and are not normally visible.
We use the products from Hunter – a USA company, which delivers an optimal combination of quality and price.
The automatic irrigation systems are not just for the newly installed gardens. They can be installed into existing gardens as well.
If needed, we can arrange a well drilling and a water pump installation if requested by the client.
Please contact us if you are looking for more detailed information or would like to see our irrigation system portfolio. You can also visit our shop to obtain all information related to this topic.